Summer, Ahrweiler app. website

Marlies WobbenAbout Life, At Home, At Work

We’re having a couple of hot days right now, so we’re enjoying summer 🙂 Next weekend is the Bang Your Head festival in the south of Germany (Balingen), so hopefully it’ll be still good then (it’s usual real hot in that weekend!). For the first time we’ll be sleeping in … » full post and pics!

new Brainstorm website online!

Marlies WobbenAt Work

Wow, again some very busy weeks!

After Danny and Sandy left on Thursday it was high time for me to start programming and converting the old Brainstorm pages to the new website design (luckily the design itself was already done). And it’s online now! It still needs some updating and … » full post and pics!


Marlies WobbenAt Work

The weekend was fabulous! The weather was nice enough (lots of sun, although the wind was still chilly) and it was great to smell the forest air again and to be away from home. Even though I did a lot of work on the laptop, being away from home in … » full post and pics!

busy week

Marlies WobbenAt Work

It’s been busy. I’ve been working extremely hard over the whole weekend to get the images for Sextra ready, been Photoshopping pretty much non-stop from Friday afternoon until Monday night. Terrible, but part of the job.. now I have to upload all the images and articles in the shop, that’s … » full post and pics!