Flashback: Europe 2013

Marlies WobbenBelgium, Germany, the Netherlands


flashback /ˈflæʃ.bæk/ – a blog post that goes back to events in the past 🙂

I took some time to add an older travel diary (I backdate those posts) and I chose our Europe 2013 trip this time. We went back to visit family and friends for the second time » full post and pics!

Europe: Dessel, Heerlen

Marlies WobbenBelgium, the Netherlands

the sun was setting when we got to Belgium

Europe 2019, blog 4/9

From the German Ruhr Area we drove an hour and a half west, to Dessel in Belgium. On the way we stopped in Eindhoven to visit dad again.

November 24-26

The drive

It was a really nice day when we drove from Bottrop in the German … » full post and pics!


Marlies WobbenBelgium, Germany

Tomorrow morning we fly to Düsseldorf for our Europe trip. Excited! This time we’ll meet less people (mainly German friends we didn’t see the last time) and we’ll be in Belgium for a week with family for my dad’s 95th birthday!

Friday 8/16
6:30am flight AC1112 Regina – Toronto, arrive … » full post and pics!

busy bees and cute hedgehogs…

Marlies WobbenAbout Life, At Home, Belgium

These past weeks we’ve been very busy bees, working non-stop in and around the house. The yard needed some usual maintenance (weeds) and one border still had to be finished in the same way as the one on the other side (with gravel). I’ve uploaded an album with various “summer” … » full post and pics!

Brainstorm – Evergrey

Marlies WobbenBelgium, Germany

Last weekend sucked…… I was able to go to the Brainstorm gig in Vosselaar with Cora on Friday with a mild migraine, but it apparently didn’t really start until then….. I ended up missing the other two gigs because it got nasty. @#$%^&*#% It’s their first headliner tour and I had only been … » full post and pics!