Unfortunately it’s raining off and on (luckily there is a bit of sun in between too), but I’m enjoying the weekend. Not having to go anywhere, just wearing your jogging pants, no make up, hair in a pony tail…. all about being comfy 🙂 Yesterday I’ve been scanning some old … » full post and pics!
T & Aleks
T has recovered so well that he came to visit us last weekend with his gf Aleks – that was fun! Even though he’s on a strict diet we had a BBQ and went to the fair downtown on Sunday. And … » full post and pics!
our yard
It’s not bad for a Monday morning after five and a half hours of sleep. Esp. since I just heard we got a pass for the upcoming Rock Hard festival and it’s slowly starting to sink in that we’re finally, after years of … » full post and pics!
need happy thoughts for T
Had a good case of saskmetalitis this morning, but what are days off for eh? Even though I was planning to hit the shower, go for groceries and work a LOT on several sites. After hours of sitting here in my nightie (getting damn cold feet, brr) and not even … » full post and pics!
a new day…
Am I glad it’s a new day. Yesterday sucked beyond belief. Only Nico had some good news from the meeting at work: well, the meeting didn’t bring much news, just that they’ll try not to fire anyone, and that new employees don’t have to go first. Nico also talked to … » full post and pics!