After all the losses, especially in the spring, and world problems like a pandemic and social unrest in the States, I didn’t feel like blogging much for a while. But I’m feeling a lot better again and it’s time I show you what we’ve been up over the summer! Like camping, but wait, first I need to show you my finally-renovated office! In April I finally got around to painting and rearranging my home office!! It is now a refreshing creamy white colour with some yellow accents, as I didn’t have enough paint left for the closet.
Wrap around desk
The last time I blogged about a Feel The Fire office overhaul was back in 2011, but that was in the room that is now my crafts room. Since then I moved to the centre front room. We built a U-shaped, wrap around, wall-mounted desk, 1/3 to be removed later for my adjustable desk. In those years I posted mostly on Facebook only.
New windows
It was already a year and a half ago that we had gotten new windows and I repainted almost all of the house. Until that sudden infection in my shoulder that I ended up at the ER for! I closed the doors of the two rooms I hadn’t done yet, the office and the crafts room and didn’t look back until now. I hadn’t been using the home office much as a month later I started to work full time in the Canada Life one until August. When I quit the full time position, I parked my laptop in the living room for the time being. I knew though that my new freelance work & life style would bring about the inevitable: to pick up that paint brush and roller again!
Lord Of The Rings posters
Oh I’m so happy I did! Should’ve done it way sooner haha. It looks so clean and fresh now! There is a light cream colour on the walls that was left over from the bedroom. I painted the closet and the window ledges sunny yellow. I cleaned out the closet and still have a ton of binders with papers to go through. The big file cabinet moved into the closet and I updated the decorations on the wall. With one wall freeing up, I had a proper spot for the whiteboard and clipboard again. And the wall on the other side was the perfect spot for three huge Lord Of The Rings posters (on boards) that Randi Hartwell gave us! She had donated them for the basement, but this was a much better spot. On the wall by the hallway we added the Middle Earth map that Henk found us at a yard sale – perfect combination!

The Humanscale Diffrient World chair

I’m also really really happy that we invested in a very good office chair back when I was still in my full time job and expected to end up working at home again. I would not have been able to spend 800 bucks on one right now! But I would not want to miss this chair either! It is the ONLY seat in the house that gives me, my back and esp. my SI joint no grief! Although it’s also good that I can now use my adjustable desk again, yay!
The chair is a Humanscale World Chair by Niels Diffrient. It was designed to have the best support without the bulk of most office chairs. It’s also all mesh which I was looking for.
At the time, I was able to buy it at Source Office Furniture in Regina, where they had the chair in white for a bulk price. I also bought my adjustable desk there years ago as a clearance item for only $300!
Next paint project?
And the crafts room? It’s still in disarray haha. But when I started to make masks recently, I had to clean it up to be usuable. I guess it’s going to be my next paint project!