what a week…

Marlies WobbenAbout Life

Hey all,

<selfpity mode>

Murphy’s law strikes again. My leg is not too bad, I can walk on it, so I can work, I only have to give it enough rest otherwise it bothers me a bit (so all in all not bad at all).

But then last week, … » full post and pics!

Canada pics almost done

Marlies WobbenAbout Life

The weekend was nice.. esp. Saturday night. We went to the neighbours across the street, because Lea was celebrating her birthday. The actual birthday is today, so.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEA! Fifteen already! As always we had a good time hanging with the “Brouwertjes” and their family and friends.

Yesterday I … » full post and pics!


Marlies WobbenAt Home, Camping In General

Last night was wonderful! The temperature was so nice that we could sit outside all night, on the couch underneath the pergola, lights on and reading in Canada books 🙂 I stayed up longer than I should, until after midnight – on a night like that you just can’t go … » full post and pics!


Marlies WobbenAbout Life

Unfortunately it’s raining off and on (luckily there is a bit of sun in between too), but I’m enjoying the weekend. Not having to go anywhere, just wearing your jogging pants, no make up, hair in a pony tail…. all about being comfy 🙂 Yesterday I’ve been scanning some old … » full post and pics!

just the middle of the week….

Marlies WobbenAt Home

*new* furniture for our outside living room :)……. or actually almost the end, Thursday already! Not much to tell really. The weather has been really nice lately, the last days had sunshine and some clouds, but a very nice temperature of around 20°C on several days.

Monday we cleaned out another part of our shed and since … » full post and pics!