RIP Ton van Duren

Marlies WobbenAbout Life


Our old friend, rock, helper in so many situations (like this pic, DJing and so much more at our wedding in ’96!) is no more :'(

He fought his cancer hard, but the new stem cells wouldn’t have it 🙁 Ton van Duren, you were one of a kind! … » full post and pics!

RIP Adam Sagan :'(

Marlies WobbenAbout Life

Adam noooooo!!! You were going to beat this!!!! You fought so goddamn hard!!! Can’t believe that I won’t be sharing a Denver sandwich with you anymore…. rest easy bro :'(

In May Rachel went to visit him and brought him some gifts (I made a blankie) and a Denver’s sandwich … » full post and pics!

Meeting Shawn again!

Marlies WobbenAbout Life

We hadn’t seen Shawn Drover (who we met in his Eidolon days) since he was in Megadeth, back when we still lived in Holland! So great to see him again!! His new band Act Of Defiance was playing the Exchange with Untimely Demise \m/

» full post and pics!

RIP Ton Reintjens

Marlies WobbenAbout Life

Heartbroken for the Reintjens family and a little bit for myself. My mother-in-law from back in the 80s passed away today. She was an important part of my life back then and we kept in touch for many years after. RIP Ton….… » full post and pics!