Happy New Year!

Marlies WobbenAbout Life

Safe Holidays!

We hope you all had a great holiday season! On Christmas Eve we had Marga and Henk over for gourmetten. We planned to have a handful of friends over on New Years Eve, for a mini Dutch party. But the Covid cases had just started to rise fast again, so we decided to call it off. We actually had a good time though. Too much food, not enough alcohol haha, and we rented the Disney movie Jungle Cruise.

The year was mostly a continuation of the previous one. Thankfully less anxiety and less loss! Although we were devastated to hear only weeks ago, that we have lost our dear Chania friend Victor to a heart attack!

Victor and Nico in Chania

Nico’s physical situation hasn’t changed much, he is now waiting for knee replacement surgery. I have worked on expanding Feel The Fire, and while it’s not paying many bills yet, it is bringing me a lot of happiness. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life, something like that. I feel like this is what I’m meant to do.

In the summer we have enjoyed camping trips in our beautiful province, and now we’re in hibernation mode as we’ve already seen it dip down as far as -37°C (windchill -44°C)!!

We wish you a safe and healthy 2022!