ยป photo album 2007/0525 ~ Work Outing Marlies, Pool & Mystery Dinner
Last night I (Marlies) had a work outing and it was (as usual) a lot of fun.
After the secretaries spread several false rumors to tease all my curious co-workers, we went to a pool bar around 4pm to shoot some pool and have some drinks. I had a table with Petra and Caroll and at first I impressed them by knowing the rules, what to do with the balls and how to hold the cue… but that’s pretty much where it ended LOL!! I hadn’t played in forever and boy did I suck! I barely managed to hit the ball right and was totally unable to give it the right direction haha! Well, we had a lot of fun anyway and we both (I played against the two of them) won one game.
Around 5.30pm we went to the Grand Hotel for a theme dinner. A mystery dinner.. we were randomly divided in 4 groups and led to the 5th floor where an “employee” had
been “murdered”. We were told to look at all the clues and were then led through the kitchen to the basement (through some smoke) where we got soup and had a chance to talk about the “murder”. After a little while we went upstairs to the bar again. There was a cold buffet and after that a warm buffet, and we could walk around to look for clues and interrogate other people. Now I don’t like these kind of crime/mystery games at ALL, but luckily others did and I had fun watching them go after clues or talk to people of the staff they didn’t trust and listening to their theories. At the end (around 9.30pm) we were told what had happened and which group had won. And then.. the dessert buffet! Time to fill the last holes in the stomachs with petit-fours, ice cream, chocolate mousse and vanilla mousse (of course I mainly went for the mousses ๐ ), yummy!!!
I went home little over 10pm and it was still warm (and humid) outside. The terraces on the Pancratiusplein were very full and it looked great with all the lights. I managed to take some (not too sharp) pics of that too.
At home I went to sit outside and wait for Nico to come home. I saw on the radar of weathernews.nl that a fierce thunderstorm was coming our way and would be there in half an hour. But there were hardly any clouds and I didn’t see any reflections of lightning yet! So I thought it couldn’t be here that soon. I was wrong… around 15 mins later we (Nico got home in the meantime) suddenly heard the wind in a few very tall trees nearby, a minute later it started to storm pretty hard. The first lightning was visible and by the time that half hour was over, the thunderstorm really was there ๐
And today is the start of a long weekend (Monday is a public holiday because of Pentecost/Whitsunday – uhh or should I call that Whitmonday??) and Nico has to work, so I don’t have any specific plans. Earlier this afternoon I went to the neighbours for a bit, for Gwen‘s first birthday party ๐ For the rest of the weekend, I think I should start preparing stuff for the vacation (one more week), like what to pack (we also want to take an extra suitcase with stuff we can leave there), what to take as gifts, etc. Nico has to work until Wednesday morning, I work the Thursday too. On Friday we leave for my brother, who lives close to Amsterdam Airport (same procedure as last year, James ;)) and next Saturday we fly!