Good morning from my temp office in the living room while my home office is still under construction! It’s been a while as my office job kept me busier than I wanted, after 11+ years of being a casual, organizational changes sort of forced me to go full time. Well … » full post and pics!
New fence!
Back yard updates… two elm trees had to be removed and the Northern Tree guys were able to come in with their truck to make the job easier. It was fascinating to watch how quickly they dismantle and remove that humongous beast that hung over roofs and power lines! Then … » full post and pics!
Last day at work

Last day at Empower! Surreal to quit the job after 11.5 years! Thanks for all the friendship, leadership, support and fun ❤ PADM rocks!! 🤘
Fun last day with Tim Hortons coffee, Timbits, Dutch stroopwafels, lunch with Tyler T and Marga (forgot to take pic), cake and many selfies 😂… » full post and pics!
Time to resign…

Sort of celebrating that I resigned from my job at Empower/ Canada Life today after more than 11 years! Last day will be the 15th. I struggled with the very high productivity goals and the full time hours of this year, leaving me with no energy whatsoever. I love the … » full post and pics!
Roth wedding!

Cat and Tim got married! It was a gorgeous day at the Buffalo View Campground with Canada Day fireworks at night 🙂
New windows and siding!
Hopefully the last really $$$$ renovation! We learned a few years ago that our old stucco was cracked and crumbling and we had no choice but to tackle it. And that meant we also had to update our windows before we got new siding! Last year we finally started with … » full post and pics!
In the (Dutch) newspaper!
We were in Saturday’s newspaper… in Dutch though 😉 – here’s the digital file. Little correction, the last pic is in Buffalo Pound provincial park, not Wascana. And yes, Tim Roth was mentioned too, since he’s to blame for everything 😂
Chilly days!
It can get a bit chilly on the Canadian prairies 😉